In 2019, TPV celebrates its 30th anniversary, which made the programme of the 6th Day of Innovation of TPV Group, the event where TPV Group presents their innovative activities and achievements of the previous year and points out the trends and novelties in this field, particularly rich. At this opportunity, TPV launched their own open platform called TPV Innovation Station to acquire new ideas and connect with external partners.

Mr. Marko Gorjup, MSc, Director – President of the Management TPV d.o.o., held the opening speech, where he stressed the decisive role the innovations play in ensuring competitiveness to companies, and by saying »when the innovative minds unite, the ideas do not only add up, but also multiply« he pointed out the need to open and cooperate in this field to the greatest extent possible. In TPV they are aware of this so they have been systematically developing, promoting and remunerating innovations at all levels of operations involving all employees for many years now. As of today, their innovation system is opening outwards by launching a new platform called TPV Innovation Station and inviting organisations and individuals to create together the mobility of the future.

Jaklič, Munih, Reindl, Gorjup launching TPV innovation station at the opening


The idea of connecting and opening was supported also by the main speaker at the event, dr. Johannes Reindl, Head of Strategy and Processes Innovation Management, Purchasing, BMW Group, who in his lecture demonstrated the impact of innovations on changes in the automotive industry and the way BMW addresses this area.

Reindl from BMW giving a lecture at TPV day of innovation 2019

Among the innovative ideas, the Innovation Committee traditionally selects the most valuable proposal submitted by an individual and a team who receive an additional award. At the ceremony, the recognitions and awards for the best innovative ideas were conferred by the director – president of management, Mr. Marko Gorjup and the director – member of management, Mr. Ivan Erenda. According to the Innovation Committee, Predrag Vučinić was the most impressive innovator with the innovative proposal called »Manufacturing of a welding tool for resistance welding on the Daimler project«. The award for the most valuable team innovation was conferred to Blaž Stare, Mišo Pereško, Veljko Goleš, Alen Černelč, Boris Antolovič, Peter Pšeničnik and Jože Gramc for their innovation called »Smart machine – cardboard box assembler with cardboard storage«. Both awarded innovations follow the company’s guidelines and support the company’s vision »Connecting innovative solutions« for they have been implemented in cooperation with at least two business units within the company and are directed towards automation, search for breakthrough ideas and optimisation of existing processes. They have both contributed to increasing the company’s competitiveness, winning new deals, achieving higher productivity, and improving work ergonomics.

As every year, TPV was innovative also in the way of passing the awards – this year they were delivered by a space shuttle which is the result of their own development.

TPV innovation station rocket launch

The event was in an innovative way spiced up by musicians Anina Trobec and Joseph Wheba, who, especially for this occasion, played an innovative instrument made from parts TPV manufactures for the most demanding car manufacturers.

Anina and Joseph Wheba performing at TPV day of innovation on instruments made from TPV parts